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Welcome to my blog. I'm a middle aged battle axe with a bee in her bonnet about nothing in particular. Wipe your feet before you come in and keep them off of my coffee table. And, of course, you kids get the hell off of my lawn.

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thanks, AN

A big thank you to AN for warning the author of a comment on her blog that was threatening to another blogger - namely, me.

AN, in all of our "wars" I have never addressed you by your real name, even after you "outed" yourself.  And I have never posted any likeness of you other than your icon or given any personal "real life" info about you that I might have had access to - and never would.  Like me, you have a family and whatever our differences are, the safety of our family - yours, mine, anyone's - comes first.   

The biggest problem I've had lately with you is that you posted a picture of me (not my icon) on one of your sites, linked to it through an “anonymous” comment on someone else's blog, and actually posted with it the name of the street I live on with a warning to children not to trick or treat there because I might eat them!  (Once again, I've NEVER posted an actual picture of you or any member of your family - anywhere - and I've never listed any personal info such as where you live or referred to you by anything other than your screen name).  To my mind, AN, you might as well have publically accused me of being a child molester.  I would NEVER harm a child, as I'm sure you wouldn't.  In fact, children on my street know to go to "Miss Cindi" if they're near to my house and feel they're being threatened, (i.e., yahoos who let their untrained, non-socialized dogs run loose).  Goofing around with screen names, cartoon icons, and "blog wars" is one thing...but that "warning," in my opinion, was completely out of line.  Mock my screen persona with all your "gunza blazing," as I have done to you...but let's keep it between ourselves and other adults who knowingly and willingly choose to engage in "internet battle."

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