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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Congrats, Goliath - Quite an Achievement!

So, Goliath, I noticed that you never did answer a direct question to you on a recent thread at your forum - are you happy with the quality of conversation on your forum these days?   Or does “QueenNana” answer all of the “uncomfortable” questions for you now, as she did that one? 

I guess since she was thwarted in her attempt last summer to steal all the balls from the male members of the CCC, she had to settle for satisfying herself with the apparently easy theft of yours.

You’ve finally reached the apex, there, big fella:

People have been “outed” (while you were told by the new “queen,” when you objected to such behavior when it was being coyly threatened that it’s, “harmless, unless you carry it too far,” – and promptly thereafter the “outing,” began).

Strong insinuations that border on outright accusations of people having affairs has been tolerated and left to stand for anyone to see, with no regard whatsoever to either the veracity of such claims or the effect the spread of such a nasty rumor might have on innocent people and their loved ones.

People have been repeatedly accused of the vilest of crimes with absolutely no supporting evidence beyond the word of the accuser.

People have been called profane names and threatened with physical violence (which, to your “credit,” you quickly deleted upon discovery, but it happened, nonetheless, and documentation of it exists).

People are routinely told to basically “get lost,” by the new “queen,” and her drones if they object to such dialogue.

And on and on it goes – where it stops – nobody knows.  

You must be absolutely dizzy with delight at how popular your forum has become with a certain large, “flock.”

Congratulations, big guy.  You’ve managed to raise that sleazy, slanderous cesspool called the All Counties Chatter from the dead and have given its “queen” the seat at the head of your table - quite an accomplishment, brave warrior.  It’s a good thing you ignored all those so-called “friends,” who tried to warn you that this kind of thing would inevitably happen.  After all, who cares what kind of irresponsible, reprehensible behavior is taking place on your site – controversy equals views, right?

In all aspects except for banning people, you’ve become the very thing that you have repeatedly expressed such righteous outrage at the CCC for being.  There’s a word that perfectly describes such a person…and I think you know what it is.  But it's not uncommon that a much higher price to pay than originally expected occurs when one chooses to deal with the Devil, is it?

UPDATE:  And now I see that one of the new/old flock has taken the bold step of bringing the thinly-hooded (wink, wink) racist strategy into play (click image to enlarge - but be warned, it's repulsive).

Alas, how far the Mighty Giant's once honorable realm has fallen - straight into the gutter.


  1. Hmmmm.....but how do your REALLY feel?

  2. Pretty good, actually. How about yourself?

  3. Fine. Getting ready to go for a field day.

  4. Well then, it looks like the "queen," isn't the only person having a field day, doesn't it?

    Sorry to have to be so cross with you big guy - but I have to call it like I see it, and I think you're heading into some very nasty territory.

    Good luck - and I mean that sincerely.

  5. Well stated, CLH.

  6. Well said. It's good to see you posting more often lately.


  7. If you have been reading, you can see that I have entered the 'conversation' and checked it when it became toxic. When An or anyone else started the game 'who are you' I checked that and identified that anonymnity is valuable for some and noted that it is also used as a mask by others to say things they haven't the courage to say otherwise. You can judge it by the quality of the remark.

    One comment I know of actually 'outed' someone, not here, but on the chatter. I deleted it as soon as I saw it.

    As for accusations of affairs, I have denounced the accusation and called it BS. I defended Mike Moore's right to have coffee with whomever he wished and not be subject of slime and smear.

    Your real complaint seems, to Goliath, to be that Goliath has allowed AN and a couple of people who are her friends to post on the GCF.

    I do not like the tone of many of AN's comments but I feel as much as I dislike them, it would be worse of me to censor them because I, personally, find them distasteful. I also don't like that she seems to feel she must comment on all and everything. But, I did put up a public forum, didn't I?

    I will keep on trying to make a better place, a place that is more free and alive than other blogs or sites. I will also probably make mistakes and I appreciate you calling me out on the stuff you see and disagree with.

    Does all this make me 'ball-less"? I guess that's your opinion and one more f'd up comment that I have to put up with.

  8. Thank you for taking the time to post such an in-depth comment, Goliath. I'm not being sarcastic.

    It isn't who's posting that I disagree with, it's what they're posting - outing people, slander, and now the ever-so-sly racist insults. And it's ratcheting up with each passing day. I understand that you have a beef with the CCC, and perhaps it's justified, but do you REALLY agree with the gutter slime that’s been posted lately about the professor, for example? Do you REALLY want to facilitate that kind of thing?

    You’ve said before that you didn’t want to moderate the comments of grown people on your sites, but there is a certain level of responsibility that goes with publishing a blog or forum to make sure that people aren’t being slandered, threatened, etc. I made a terrible mistake on this blog once when I opened it to anonymous commenting and then didn’t pay attention to it for a few days. What resulted was horrible and totally out of bounds and it was MY fault because I am responsible for what is published here. I took action to make sure that kind of thing couldn’t happen again and I didn’t care one bit that it meant that this site’s stats went down because of it.

    I’ve had my battles with AN, but except for two times over the course of a year and a half I’ve focused my barbs strictly on her own actual words and deeds. Two times I breached my own personal ethical boundaries and gave into the temptation to respond to her in kind about looks, and I sincerely regret it, but I do at least understand that there are boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed and make a sincere effort not to do so. Sometimes I fail, but I take responsibility for it – and for every comment that is posted here – and I try to do better.

    Again, it’s not WHO is posting on your sites, it’s WHAT they’re posting, and I never thought that you would approve or encourage such behavior. But that’s your decision to make, not mine, and I do, of course, have the option of not visiting your sites, which I have enjoyed all this time up until recently, even with AN commenting on them.

    I’ve always liked and respected you, but lately my respect has diminished somewhat because of the kind of comments you are allowing to be published on your sites, and that saddens me. I understand that you are striving for fairness and diversity and an opportunity for everyone to have their voice heard, but when those voices cross the boundary of spirited debate into the gutter slime of slander, threats, racism, etc., they really don’t deserve to be heard, in my opinion - but on your sites that’s your judgment call to make. I sincerely believe, however, that if you let things go as they are on your sites that you will come to deeply regret it and it will ultimately tarnish your reputation as a decent, fair-minded person.

  9. Just one more thing - about outing people - apparently you missed the comment that identified a CCC poster as a certain person (who has never, to my knowledge, chosen to divulge their real identity). I won't list their screen name or real name here - you can PM me on the CCC if you want that information. That happened on your site, not the CCC.

  10. Almost seems like an Alt forum is needed...

  11. I see that you wrote this several weeks ago. It's surprising that GAW is in much worse shape now for all the reasons that you listed, I would have thought that Goliath would have worked to correct these problems.

    It's also interesting that you pointed out that Goliath has had problems with the CCC. He really has a unhealthy preoccupation with the CCC for some reason. If you look over his posts and some others, the CCC is constantly being attacked. When I read the CCC though, I never see any mention of Goliath? Why the one way street?
