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Friday, September 9, 2011

Jeepers Creepers!

Someone was creeping around and peeping into the vehicles of attendees at a rally held to protest the recently reported appalling conditions at the Ogle Animal Shelter, apparently hoping to find "evidence" that the rally attendees weren't really animal lovers at all!  A poor, shy dog who becomes anxious and upset around strange people was subjected to the horrifying visage of this "Peeping Thomasina" peeping in at him through the window as he awaited his owner's return to the normally safe and secure confines of their van.  

Fortunately, the van was equipped with a surveillance camera and this creepy peeper was photographed at the exact moment the poor, shy dog was subjected to the trauma of being spied upon by the strangest stranger of them all!  

(click picture to enlarge)


  1. Great picture of you "C" in the back of that van!

  2. Brilliant comeback there, keepinit - almost as bright as a small appliance bulb.

    Thanks for reading! ;-)

  3. Glad I could shine a little bit of light into your dark and lonely life!

    It was kinda sad to see you not getting any comments on your blogs, so I thought I would help you out a little. ;-) Glad to help!

  4. I don't want to seem ungrateful, keepinit...but your light's a bit dim. Don't let that keep you from astounding my readers with your jello-sharp wit, though. It's always entertaining to hear from an intellect that's rivaled only by garden tools.

  5. Sorry "C"! I now realize I made a mistake. The picture of you was the one looking through the window. I think it's the first time I have ever seen you without your mask.

    Lighten up, chick-a-dee, it's all in good fun!!

    (jello-sharp-wit) LOL

  6. Sorry, keepinit, but your ass is showing – ass-sumption, that is.

    I didn’t attend the rally. And I don’t go spying into people’s vehicles. Unfortunately, your friend does – and even admitted it before she had second thoughts about what she was admitting to and erased the evidence on the Ogle facebook page. Too late, though - it was seen by a lot of people before she tried to do her damage control, so her ass has been showing, too – and I’m not talking about her assumptions.

  7. I haven’t seen that, anonymous, but I’m not going to give Matt a hard time about it. I saw where another college-educated young person used the phrase, “laughing stalk,” instead of laughing stock. While it brought to mind a very humorous picture, I’ve seen quite a few people – young, college-educated people – make that kind of mistake. It makes me wonder more about the credibility of the institutions of learning they attended than their own native intelligence.
