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Friday, May 6, 2011

Rants and Raves

Need to blow off some steam?  Or maybe you want to give someone/something some well-deserved praise! Well, here's the place.  Open thread - have at it!


  1. I'll start off with a rave! At our latest meeting, the Chatter Chicks(TM) committed our very first, "Official Act of E-vil," with our donations to The Center for Lay Ministries. I'm so proud of us!

  2. Cindi, it was a great thing to be able to contribute to. A lot of families will have food in the pantry because of that contribution.

    Rant - my fish keep dying! I don't understand why, I'm doing everything I can, and they keep dying! Fish didn't used to be this hard. I swear they didn't. Okay, mild rant over. TY for providing the space for it.

  3. I really hate to bring this subject up, but can you believe this?

    Lisa aka Abbysnana is still using her alias screen names to post on her site that have been proven to be her. Such as EllaC, Chuckles etc. It was proven that her Email address was linked to these names she is using. What arrogance that she demonstrates.

    Now she is using her "Chuckles" screen name, so we don't know it is her, to start a rumor about Mike Moore having new accusations made against him.

    I wonder if she is doing this because of her being in the Galligan for Mayor camp?

  4. She was for Mike Moore before she was against him. Then she was for Galligan, then Teresa, now back to Galligan.

    She mostly just does all of it because she's nuts and can't stand that those on Clark County Chatter actually like each other but don't like her.

  5. When and if the word gets around that Abbysnana is in Galligan's camp, with her reputation in Jeffersonville, Galligan will certainly loose a lot of votes.

  6. really...will he "loose" or "lose"...Bob Marcum..lol (nice name)

  7. Let me tell everyone what the latest is concerning the supposed lawsuit over the mailings that were sent out. It appears that the lawsuit will probably not go forward when Amanda finds out who in her family financed the distribution of the mailings.

    Did anyone have any doubt who was and is so vindictive towards MM that she will do everything in her power to prevent him getting elected. Stay tuned, more to come.

  8. Those posters over on the All Counties Chatter are about to go over the edge because of the posts from Mark. Mark, if you are reading this, are you the same Mark that Mike was referring to in his posts? I really believe that you are wasting your time over there, that's why I don't post on that site, they all are either in denial about their state of mind or too proud to admit the negative aspects of their lives. Anyway, what else can you expect since the majority of the posters there are family and are all affected by the same disability.

  9. She went over the edge again - closed the blog to unregistered. Keep telling her that observer is not Kelley, but she can't get that through her thick skull.

  10. No Bob, that isn't the Mark that works with me. He doesn't have any time for that nonsense, I've got him pretty busy gathering all the info on those two women and what they said, just in case Mike might want it after the election is over. I haven't talked to him about it, but I'll have it all ready anyway.We believe that Pat is ready to cooperate with us real soon about the financing I spoke of.


  12. Sorry to change the subject, but I have a rant!

    Goliath has let that old bat, Erma, dog the White House on his blog. Well, that old bat really irks me!

    Who appointed her judge and jury? What gives her the right to decide what is good or bad? Right or wrong? People like Erma disgust me! They want to paint people as tasteless, dumb, on and on and on. What gives them the right?

    You know, I live my life as I see fit. I'm not out to impress anybody. My home is MY home, suited to me, "decorated" with the things I like! It suits me, it suits my family, and that's all that counts. People like Erma don't do anything but aggravate me with their holier than thou attitude.

    Don't all people have the right to do our own thing, live the way we choose, express ourselves as we wish, without being judged by the likes of Erma and her ilk?

    Erma and her kind can't stand to leave people alone, let us be happy with our lives, our things. They're miserable creatures, and the only goal of the Ermas of the world is to make everyone around them as miserable as they are!


  13. Sorry, not a rant or a rave. Just a little humor. I am so amused how all of Mike Moore's supporters are (NEVER ON THE "ALL COUNTIES CHATTER"), then get on here and whine because they tried to get on with one of "their, fake screen names", and they couldn't because she blocked the unregistered! This is too funny. Running scared. That's what I call all of you little people who out of desperation and fear of the truth of Mike's past coming out, say things like, oh, AN is just nuts, just going over the edge. Or, she's just "mentally ill", and, and affected by a disability. Cracks me up!!

    Any one with any sense has to admit that all of these "AN is crazy" insults, are the typical words used when someone is trying to discredit the person they are afraid of. If you MM supporters were not so worried, you would just sit back and "let the chips fall where they may". But, no, you know she's right. An, that is. She is uncovering facts that some people want to keep hid. That's right, proven, documented facts about Mike Moore.

    So you people just keep on "running scared". One day soon, it's "ALL" coming out. The truth.

    There is a lot of people who are going to feel really foolish when their "main man" is shown for what he really is. Just wait!!

  14. I want to turn everyone's attention to another subject for awhile. The Blogsite is now open again for your entertainment.


  15. So, Mike, I checked out your blog and wonder why you don't allow comments? Seems a little weird to me.

    What is also weird is that you're no better than Amy, talking about her daughter, publishing her name for all to see. Why would anyone want to read you going on about a young lady who would be better off if everyone left her alone.

    You want to act like you're better than Amy? Leave her daughter out of future blog posts.


  16. I did not write the poem about forgiveness, what it is, what it isn't...If I had, I would have proudly put my name on it.
    There is a support group that meets at a local church regularly, and one of its members shared her poem with me.
    Sorry to disappoint anyone, I am not a poet. Amy

  17. BJ
    The decision to publish my daughters name was made by Patrick Stout and whoever else was working with him. The decision to discredit my family and our integrity was made by others. I am trying to regain some semblance of respect, by presenting the facts. I have no desire to harm my daughter, and she knows that. I appreciate your concern for her. Sometimes secrecy is not the best policy. While the past year has been difficult, the value of truth outweighs the lies. Amy

  18. Also, I do allow comments, I screen them first. Not all are "appropriate".Amy

  19. Mike, I am curious. What the heck is your point of all this? Are we suppose to think you are Mike Hutt, Mike Moore, Mike Bliss perhaps, Mike Adams, SuperMike, is your name even Mike? So we get it, you don't like me, you don't like Amy. You think she is a vindictive ex-wife who is only out to get revenge on her ex-husband. You think I am some monster who just fakes screen names and lies about everything and every one. Your title "Mike Sees It All"...sees what exactly? Who exactly appointed you internet watchdog. I have my own forum and blog. You and every one else are more than welcome to stay off of it. Completely tune it out and don't give it a second thought. So you want to "out" me and discredit me..to who?? The very few people that read this blog or may be curious enough to stumble upon your blog? You want to discredit Amy and the fact that she believed her daughter. You want to call her names and ridicule her, for what? I cannot imagine what you are hoping to gain. So what if you get a few people to believe you...do you think they would be the first. You have already proven yourself to be an illegal hacker. You have already proven yourself to be fake because you won't even use your real identity, so what now??? You can keep on and on writing and still so what??? Is the whole purpose of this for Mike Moore. Has he hired you because we all have him running scared because some people might read what we have to say and believe it and not vote for him? So what! If he has faith in his abilities than a small local forum and blog should not even be a blip on his radar. Continue all you want if this is getting you off, but the more you post, the more desperate you and the MM camp appears. Good Day.

  20. Wow! I got sick and ended up with bronchitis for a week and a half, so I wasn't really spending too much quality time on the blog...and look how things took some really bizarre and interesting turns!

    Just one minor quibble with your pithy prose, AN...

    "Has he hired you because we all have him running scared because some people might read what we have to say and believe it and not vote for him?"

    Why in the world would anyone be "running scared" because of what is posted on your forum, especially if your forum is locked down and unavailable to casual readers? Granted, Jeffersonville is a small town, but I still find it hard to believe that a local election could be seriously affected based only upon the votes of the registered members of your forum...even all the genuine ones, however many that may be.

    And I know I don't have that many readers, AN, certainly not as many as you claim to have.

    But, as historically evidenced by how quickly you or your "members" seem to respond to any critical comments here…I do have YOU, don't I?

    Yes, I do have you.

  21. Cindi, unlike you I have never denied reading your blog, as a matter of fact I have admitted it on more than one occasion. I am always interested to see who is using your blog as a way to vent about my ACC. You have also helped me to reiterate my point, why would anyone be intimidated by anything on my blog or forum, but obviously some are by the means they are constantly going to, to shut it down. My forum is closed because I want a break from all the nonsense that has been going on. I have a lot of personal stuff going on this weekend, and I really didn't feel like having to moderate the forum from a few idiots who have nothing better to do than hide behind anonymous names just to spew ugliness. I may not say nice things all the time but at least people know who I am, I own what I say. If it saddens you that my forum is down right now, I may consider bringing it back up because I do not want to disappoint all my fans, just let me know. :)
    I don't know about you, but I have grown very tired of the comments about my members being real or not, think what you will, it really doesn't matter enough to me to give it further thought. I am sorry you have been sick, hoping you are feeling better.

    Abbysnana a/k/a Lisa

  22. How many people are you going to blame for whoever 'hacked' into your email? If that even happened? You say there's an investigation going on about it. Well if you had the ip address then the authorities could easily discover who it was, but yet you are still pointing fingers. Admit it Lisa, you are lying about the whole thing. First you said it was your dad now it's every Mike that you've ever met. Oh and you said you found how to access who logged into your account with logs on yahoo mail that shows IP addresses. Well I checked on my yahoo account and couldn't find any logs. I think a trip to the mental hospital is in order for you Lisa.

  23. Yet another name "Mike"..or is it "Bob"..or "Steve"...or "Kelley"...I am losing track. I have now tired of you, have fun talking to yourself. Use the whole mental thing until the cows come home...I really don't give a rats behind....ta ta!!

  24. Cindi

    Thanks for allowing us to use your Blog Site. I have recently opened up the Mike Sees it All site to express our comments and to field comments from others in order to discontinue imposing upon your generosity.

    Interested parties can access my site at the following Internet address:




  25. I heard from a little birdie that Amanda moved in with Mike Moore and his family when she was in her late teens early twentys. So it sounds like her mommy is just trying to get revenge on her ex-husband to me. The woman is 28 now, yet her mommy talks like she is still a child. I wonder if Amanda even knows about all the stuff her mommy has written on the internet and what she would think about that.

  26. I make it my mission to cause Lisa to go over the edge.And it will come sooner than later.Unless she starts taking her meds. again. Mark,maybe Lisa?

  27. Daniel

    If Amanda doesn't know by now how her mother is using her for her private vendetta against her dad, she will soon.

    If the truth was really known, Amanda already knows and probably isn't speaking to her mother now.

  28. Let me think of how to put this nicely.

    Lisa Smith is a lying cow. She either is "observer" or observer on her forum is a liar also.

    I have never, ever posted on that forum under my own name or any other. There have been maybe two moments of weakness during which I posted comments on Psycho's blog (though there have been other posts attributed to me from imposters, too), many months ago, but on no occassion have I posted on the forum.

    She only wishes.

    Since she feels the need to keep running it, I recommend she prove it. She can't because it's a lie.


  29. Moo. Have you looked in the mirror lately, I challenge you to a fitness race anyday blondie. Was this hateful post above due to the intense reading of scripture you referred to earlier in one of your post? I think I have stated this before, I don't give a rat's ass how many immature names you call me Kelley girl, I have more class in my little pinky than you have in your entire big body. Kiss it.

  30. I am observer, and I have no need to lie. Lisa Smith added your name to my comment last week in her stupid and dishonest attempt to make others believe you were writing on her forum.

    I have told her many times that observer is not you, but she prefers to live in that pretend world of hers. You are apparently an object of insane envy or jealousy to her, so she chooses to believe that you want to interact with her.

    If you take a look at my comments, you will see that they are by no means favorable to Lisa Smith. I would like to be charitable enough to feel sorry for her, because she does act like someone who is dangerously unstable, but she's just so openly mean and dishonest that I have a hard time finding any sympathy for her.

    At any rate, I'm sorry she is using me to try to get to you.

  31. Oops, I see that Lisa Smith jumped back in here. My comment above regarding Lisa Smith's continued fantasy that observer is Kelley was directed to Kelley.

  32. I added no such thing to anyone's comments and do not have the capability to do so and wouldn't want to. I am afraid if anyone is mentally unstable "Observer" it must be you. Yes, the whole jealousy thing for Kelley, too funny to comment. Hey, thanks for all the time you have been spending on my forum, and it doesn't matter to me which screen name you use for that moment..lmao!

  33. Lisa, you are lying again, but don't think anybody is much surprised by that anymore. Whatever credibility you might have had at one time is now gone.

  34. OH...I am crushed!! Cindi, Kelley and you and your alter egos do not think I am credible!!! How will I ever go on living, this totally breaks my heart. Priceless!!!!!

  35. Hey Lisa you changed all my post names to Dr. Truth, When I wrote them as "Mark" . So stop the lies and Kiss My Ass

  36. Amanda has never lived with her dad, for obvious reasons.

  37. I see that someone has the temerity to come on yet another blog and attack my character. Shame on you
    Trudie! I recommend you read the Bible. King James version. -Erma Thrask

  38. Correction, up to approx. age 2 years 9 months she lived with her biological father. After that, starting in the year 1990, she lived with her "dad", although her "dad" is not her biological father, he is her Dad.

  39. Jeffersonville needs Mike Moore

    Read about the man, click on the below link.



  41. Please see his other blogs:
    rons-testimony.blogspot.com and

  42. Everyone just keep your eye on the ball, the real issue of the character assassination of a good man by the losers on the ACC.

    Keep reading my blogs daily for the real insight about this game they are playing.

    Remember that Mike will always see it all.

  43. Yes, please go to: http://mikeseesitall.blogspot.com, then go to his other website, Blogspot:

    rons-testimony.blogspot.com and

    The "MESSENGER-of-God" needs some admiration because he believes he was sent here to save the world.

    I wonder what his next "Blogspot" will be called.

    You know what they say about "Controlling people"? Everyone who has known this man for his entire life, knows that he is and always will be unstable. Don't let the disquise of "intellectual" fool you. Some of the most well-known serial killers were very intellectual. Now I'm not saying he is a serial killer. Just showing you that just because you seem to have some smarts, the flip-side to that is insanity!

