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Friday, April 29, 2011

Shame, Sorrow and Rage

And rightfully so.


  1. Obama is not the typical "black American" -- a descendant of slaves. His father's family owned slaves -- and were Arabs. That is, if his true father is Barack Obama. The question remains --- why didn't he allow this birth certif to be released long ago if indeed there was nothing to hide?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I had one of my usual smartass return volleys at the ready, but then I realized that’s not the appropriate method for addressing a subject that’s this important.

    Did you listen to anything – ANYTHING that this young American man had to say? I doubt it.

    I could say something here about how you have completely missed the point – this young man’s speech wasn’t about President Obama, per se, but about how America is being slowly, but surely, torn apart and set against itself by people who have an agenda that is, at its heart, the antithesis of our great experiment in democracy. But that obvious point is simply lost on those who have simply lost their sense of basic decency and humanity towards their fellow countrymen. What’s happening here is something MUCH bigger than the base and ridiculous attempts to depict the current president as the “other,” not really American.

    I can only hope, personally, that the sane, decent people of this country will rise up and soundly, decisively rebuke and reject those who would try to pit American neighbor against American neighbor. Because “United We Stand,” isn’t just a meaningless slogan to be mindlessly recited - it’s supposed to be the American way.
