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Thursday, July 21, 2011

It's War!!!!!

Weapon of Choice

As most of you may know, Goliathandwimmens has announced a declaration of war by putting up a Best Blog poll.  I’ve sat back since this announcement and watched as my fellow competitors have pulled out their “big guns,” i.e., offering money for votes and pandering to the prurient interests with soft porn graphics and other such vile knavery.

I have chosen to take a different, more respectable path. 

A comment was posted on a local forum recently advising all of us blog owners that, “If you must blog or have a forum, follow Goliath because he seems to try (mostly) to keep us informed or entertained.”

I’m not quite sure how the poster’s high opinion of Goliath jibes with Goliath’s own fowl (sic) behavior, such as stalking helpless, innocent chickens and blatantly offering money for votes, but, nonetheless, I’ve taken the poster’s suggestion under serious consideration and have decided to follow his advice.

Goliath frequently posts “cultural arts” type material, apparently meant to enlighten his barbarian visitors.  This, I suspect, is what the poster was referring to in his effusive praise of the headless one, so I’ve decided to follow that fanboy’s advice.  My weapon of choice to deploy in this particular blog war will be…philosophy.  You just can’t get more high brow, high falutin’ or culturally elitist than that.  I may not win the Blog War, but I firmly believe that I CAN and WILL win the Culture War.

Behold and tremble, hoi polloi, at the awesome might of philosophical “shock and awe”:


  1. "Goliath frequently posts “cultural arts” type material, apparently meant to enlighten his barbarian visitors. "

    Goliath first rate high roller in all capacitys!!

  2. Socrates a Mountain Dew drinker? I think the Phister made that part up.

  3. A bit counfused. Where do you vote?

  4. Right here:


    The voting area is on the upper right just below the orange banner - where it says, "BEST BLOG SUMMER 2011."

    Thanks, Tess!
