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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Beauty and the Beast - A True Life Scary Fairy Tale

A monstrous alien queen gives her marching orders to her crazed underlings...and they obey.

"Palin referred to the crosshairs website when she tweeted supporters last year, urging "commonsense conservatives and lovers of America" to "RELOAD."


...and the Beast...

"My mommy always said there were no monsters...no real ones...but there are."


  1. And you call Palin the idiot. To suggest that Palin wanted her shot is even low for you battle axe.

  2. Palin's despicable and irresponsible rhetoric played its part in this. She didn't give a damn that her hateful, violent spew might motivate a deranged person to actually hurt or kill someone. She didn't care then and she doesn't care now. She's a monster.

  3. takes one to know one.

  4. Oh my. What kind of snappy quip can we expect next from your collection of devastatingly witty come-backs? Maybe you can really zing me with something outrageously clever like, "I know you are, but what am I," or perhaps, "I'm rubber and you're glue..."

  5. Well okay...how about Bite me. :)

  6. I don't believe Sarah Palin actually wanted Gifford's shot. I don't even know if that young man had a clue who Sarah Palin was or ever saw her cross-hair ad. But, that aside I do think that whole mindset has something to answer for.

    I also think SP is past her sell-by date and is slowly beginning to descend back from whence she came. The less attention she gets the quicker she'll go.

  7. Bravo! Short, rude, crude and stupid. You've made a gigantic intellectual leap from third grade trash-talk to fifth grade trash-talk. I'm very excited for you and actually quite proud! I firmly believe that the severely intellectually challenged should be encouraged to reach their highest potential, even if they'll never be able to reach the functional mental capacity of an adult. So "be all that you can be," anonymous, because even if you can only be the smartest rock in a box of rocks, you'll still be number one among your peers! :)

  8. I think you may eat those words.

  9. Oh cindi of the loo loo what would we all do if we didn't have you sitting there in your lonely little home with your thesaurus opened up so you can try and come up with intelligent sounding words to make everyone think you are just so intellectual. You are a washed up old battle axe. You wouldn't know about being successful at anything except how to dress in the most outrageous looking costumes and pretending to be a tree. But remember, if you are going to be a tree, be the best little tree in the forest. :)

  10. You know, I just can’t figure out why AN has had such a burr up her butt about my tree costume. I got a lot of compliments on how creative and well done it was when I wore it for Halloween and again later when I posted it on the CCC Halloween thread. Maybe AN just hates nature.

  11. Maybe she is jealous that she can't be that creative, she must have flunked imagination back in grade school.

  12. Well, her vocabulary is certainly not creative. Even if she posts under "anonymous", it is easy to detect her posts and those of her tribe!!

  13. FYI, one of those "anonymous" was me!! I hope you can figure out which one!! :) ( I forgot to "sign").


  14. I know which one was yours Jules. The calm one. lol

  15. Just here to say you are insulting my Indian ancestors when you call AN's followers a "tribe"! Maybe you could consider "gang" instead? Seems a little more fitting, considering the mentality.

  16. ...this is cracking me up beyond belief...hahahahhahahahhaahhahaahah!!!!!!

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  19. We all know that The Grifter-Quitter back-pedaled as quickly as she could with her weasel-worded "blood libel" CYA speech. She and you can try to excuse the undeniable blame she rightfully carries for her part in irresponsibly ratcheting up the hateful, violent rhetoric that inevitably resulted in horrific tragedy...but you will not do it here.

  20. And you accuse AN of removing post!

    You just cast judgement and murdered someone with that vile tongue of yours!

    You can dish it out, but you can't take it!

  21. I read this blog occasionally and I am often shocked at some of the things said about others, namely Abbysnana. I think it's pretty ridiculous that grown women would stoop to a 5th grade type war. Maybe you should just ignore each other? Wouldn't that be a novel idea? Just pretend the other doesn't exist. I don't know either of you ladies and I use that term loosely, but you should really take a step back and look at what you're doing. Just my 2 cents... Lea

  22. The Grifter-Quitter's "Bart Simpson" denial of her irresponsibility is readily available online for anyone to look up and read, if they have the stomach for it.

    Judgment? We all make judgment calls, every day. It's simply an inescapable part of life. I do try to use good judgment based on logic, reason and observation, though. You may see that as a fault, but I'm comfortable with it.

    Murdered someone? Really? Who, exactly, have I "murdered." Come on, spill. Enquiring minds want to know.

  23. And Cindi, aren't you a little late to the hate party with this blog post? The liberals already tried to pin this on Sarah Palin and then slithered back into their holes when it was realized this shooting had NOTHING to do with politics and everything to do with a very sick young man. Do you have new evidence that suggests Sarah was behind it afterall or are you just this far behind in your current events? Lea

  24. Lea, they hate AN because she stands up to them. Cindi has always been the bully on the CCC, as you have noticed I am sure. She doesn't post much there any longer because people got tired of her. She has a few of AN posters on here and I think 2 posters from the CCC, one a washed up old teacher and the other a wannabe journalist who got fired from the local paper. Yes, grown women who can't keep their jealousy in check.

  25. Anon, I don't know either of these women, and I don't think one is any better than the other. I think they are both wrong and I wish one or both of them would get a grip and grow up and act like an adult. You're giving women a bad name.

    It's not a matter of standing up to someone, it's about fueling the fire. If AN would simply ignore CLH, then CLH wouldn't have a thing to write about in this blog. It's pretty simple. Lean

  26. Honestly, I think she is ignoring CLH, and I think I will follow suit. This just isn't fun.

  27. If this is her idea of ignoring CLH, she's got a long way to go yet...IJS


  28. I guess everyone thinks I am her..then they are way off base, but I am close to her. Yes, Lea, she is ignoring her these days, she has much more going on in her life then worrying about what CLH is doing, trust me.

  29. Cindiloohoo,

    I'll be honest. I don't know much about politics, but I would like to ask you a question. I read your comment above about Sarah Palin, and I was just wondering if you had honest to goodness facts about the things you accused her of?

    (Palin's despicable and irresponsible rhetoric played its part in this.) Could you explain how you came to this conclusion?

    (She didn't give a damn that her hateful, violent spew (might) motivate a deranged person to actually hurt or kill someone.) What hateful, violent spew, would that be, specifically?

    (She didn't care then and she doesn't care now. She's a monster.) Again you claim to know what she does and doesn't care about, and then to call her a monster? Would you please explain?

    I hope in your answers, you will show me the same courtesy, that I have shown you.

    Thanks, Jo
