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Friday, June 3, 2011

Sarah Palin's Tragical History Tour

Listen, my children, and you shall hear
A whistling sound 'twixt Sarah's ears...

I look forward to her edumacatin' us all on that whole "statute of Liberty" thing, too.  Thank goodness she brought it to everyone's attention.  Sheesh! Any of us may have been breaking the law without evening knowing it!  But you know what they say...ignorance of the law is no excuse!

Right, Sarah?


  1. And to think there are some among us who STILL support this nimrod!!

  2. I must have missed something somewhere along the line. Did something happen between her and Kelley? I have looked back and tried to figure it out but can't. The only thing I can come up with is jealousy. Kelley is a young, attractive, articulate woman. AN's life is miserable according to her descriptions. Is she just plain jealous of Kelley? Why else would she be so cruel? One minute she is acting all hurt because we don't give her the sympathy she thinks she deserves. The next minute she goes right back to her sick, demented remarks. Jealousy makes her act just plain awful. Considering all the bad things she says happened in the lives of her sisters and her daughter I wouldn't think she would want to toss around "karma" too lightly. Poor, sad, jealous woman. I will pray for her soul tonight.

  3. oops! posted in the wrong spot!!!
